October 4-10, 2010


October 4, 2010

Faculty News


Prof. Xiuzhen Cheng (CS) has received a four-year $320,024 grant from the National Science Foundation to carry out research on opportunistic sensing in sensor networks. This project focuses on the theoretical foundations of OCS and intends to develop theory and algorithms for joint sparsity modeling, joint OCS modeling, and OCS-based cross-layer design.  She has also received a three-year $300,000 NSF grant for the proposal "Exploring the Signal Sparsity in Sensor Networks Based on Compressive Sampling," which proposes to investigate the applications of CS to well-known general sensor network problems such as topology control, in-network data aggregation, in-network data gathering, outlier detection, and target counting.

Prof. Murray Loew (ECE) has received a three-year, $435,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for "Instrument Development and Analysis Tools for Standoff Identification and Mapping of Binders in Paintings."  Prof. Loew and his graduate students will work in cooperation with Drs. John Delaney and Suzanne Lomax of the National Gallery of Art on this project. The team is constructing an infrared imaging spectrometer capable of standing off from and scanning an entire painting, with high spatial and spectral resolution.  The scans will be analyzed to provide maps of the composition of the binding materials used in the paints. That knowledge will help historians to better understand, and conservators to better restore, important works of art.   

Conferences & Presentations:

Prof. Baoxia Mi (CEE) gave a presentation on sustainability at GW at the October 1 meeting of the Engineers Forum on Sustainability.  CEE hosted the meeting.  The forum is co-sponsored by the AAES, ASCE, ASEE, IEEE, ASME, ASEE, AIChE, AIME, IEEE-USA, AAAS Center for Science, Innovation and Technology, Institute for Sustainability, and the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation.

Prof. Hermann Helgert (ECE) attended the IARIA Internet 2010 Conference in Valencia, Spain, September 20-25. He chaired the session on internet challenges and presented a paper on quality of service protocols in Wimax networks.

Prof. Lance Hoffman (CS) was a panelist on "Cyber Security Questions Every Executive Must Ask," a 360-degree view at the Online Trust & Cybersecurity Forum, at Georgetown University, September 23.  He also was a panelist discussing cyberwarfare at the 2010 GW Alumni Weekend panel on Global Security: Challenges in the 21st Century.

Other News

Dr. Firoz Verjee, a senior research associate at GW's Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management (ICDRM), has recently published the following documents: Flash Flood Early Warning Systems Reference Guide (NOAA 2010, co-authored with Chris Hill, on behalf of the US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration); and GIS Tutorial for Humanitarian Assistance (ESRI Press 2010).  These publications were developed in support of the ICDRM's mission and tested by EMSE 248 GIS for Emergency Management students while still in draft form.  Nuala Cowan, doctoral candidate in EMSE, served as the production assistant, and the finished tutorial is being used as course material in current offerings of EMSE 248.  Dr. Verjee is a graduate of the EMSE department and coordinator of the Aga Khan Development Network's Seismic Risk Management Initiative, based in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

The National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC) co-hosted the biennial International Crashworthiness Conference (ICRASH) in Leesburg, VA, September 22-24.  One hundred participants from around the world gathered to share research findings on vehicle crashworthiness, biomechanics, and other transportation safety topics.  Researchers from the NCAC presented four papers: "Evaluating effect of structural changes in the vehicle on the safety of rear seat occupants in frontal crashes," "Modeling, testing, and validation of the 2007 Chevy Silverado finite element model," "Sensitivity study of vehicle rollovers to various initial conditions - finite element model based analysis," and "Analysis of small overlap crashes."  Additionally, two GW professors served as keynote speakers: Prof. Kennerly Digges (CEE) and Dr. Mary Pat McKay of the Center of Injury Prevention and Control.  The event was a success and the NCAC hopes to continue its partnership with ICRASH to provide transportation safety experts a venue for sharing ideas and research.

Guest Vignette

The Department of Computer Science has recently revived its Women in Computer Science (WiCS) organization, which was first initiated in 2003. The organization meets a couple of times each year, and provides a venue for students and faculty to meet and share ideas relevant to the active participation of women in the field of computer science in particular and the STEM fields in general. It also provides a support system for the female students.

In the past year, the group has welcomed alumna who described their experiences working in the field, and Prof. Shelly Heller, who spoke about her recent research on career gaps in the STEM fields and their impact on the careers of women who took them.

We are planning more group meetings this academic year, and the meetings are open to all: men and women, current students and alumna, faculty and staff. For more information on the group, please contact Prof. Poorvi Vora at [email protected].   (Provided courtesy of Prof. Poorvi Vora of the Department of Computer Science)


CS Colloquium: Wonders of Wireless Interference in Multihop Wireless Networks
Prof. Peng-Jun Wan, Illinois Institute of Technology
Monday, October 4
4:00 pm
736 Phillips

ECE Colloquium: On Detecting Abnormalities in Digital Mammography
Waleed Yousef, Helwan University, Egypt
Wednesday, October 6
2:00 - 3:00 pm
640 Phillips

Looking Forward

Cybersecurity Seminar: The Future of Privacy and Cybersecurity
Patricia MacTaggart, GW School of Public Health and Health Services
Wednesday, October 13
12:00 pm
302 Marvin Center

SEAS Graduate Student Open House and Seminar 
Topic: Cloud Computing, presented by Prof. Howie Huang (ECE)
Wednesday, October 13
4:00 pm
310 Marvin Center

GW Institute for Biomedical Engineering Seminar: Endothelialization of Drug Eluting Stents:  Will new designs overcome limitations?
Tuesday, October 19
1:00 - 2:00 pm
736 Phillips Hall

SEAS Entrepreneurship Seminar: "Student Startups: From the Dorm Room to the Board Room"
Tuesday, October 26
6:00: Reception; 7:00: Panel Discussion
103 Funger Hall
Please join us for the first panel discussion in the 2010-2011 SEAS Entrepreneurship Seminar Series. Registration is required

ECE Colloquium: Electrical Power System Reliability and Economics: Applications and Challenges in the Emerging Energy Sector
Needal Deeb, Renergix, Fairfax, VA
Thursday, October 28
1:30 - 2:30 pm
640 Phillips

ECE Colloquium: An Investigation of Magnetic Reversal at Almost the Nanoscale (IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecture Series 2010)
Prof. E. Dan Dahlberg, University of Minnesota
Wednesday, November 3
4:00 pm
640 Phillips

MAE Colloquium: How Aeros, Ag/Bio Engineers, Chemists, Food Scientists & MEs Work Together To Develop Advanced Rocket Motors
Paul Sojka, Purdue University
Monday, November 8
1:00 - 2:00 pm
736 Phillips

ECE Colloquium: A New Paradigm for Exchange Bias in Polycrystalline Films (IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecture Series 2010)
Prof. Kevin O'Grady, University of York (U.K.)
Wednesday, November 10
4:00 pm
640 Phillips

"A Day in the Life of an Engineer" 
Tuesday, November 16
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Location: TBD

Dissertation Defenses

Name of Student Defending: Bassam Ar Noaman
Title of Dissertation: "Computation of Semiconductor Device Noise for Semi-Classical Transport"
Monday, October 18 at 11:30 am
640 Phillips Hall