June 25 - July 8, 2012


June 25, 2012

Faculty News


Profs. Xiuzhen Cheng and Hyeong-Ah Choi (both of CS) have received a four-year, nearly $680,000 National Science Foundation grant for their research project, "NeTS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Integrated Dynamic Spectrum Access for Throughput, Delay, and Fairness Enhancement." The objective of the project is to investigate the challenges of enhancing cognitive radio network throughput, delay, and fairness via integrated dynamic spectrum access.

Prof. Michael Keidar (MAE) has received a $50,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for his project, "I-Corps: Highly efficient/low cost method for mass production of graphene platelets."

Prof. Tianshu Li (CEE) was selected to receive an American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator award. The award provides $100,000 over two years to study the nucleation mechanism of methane hydrates, an ice-like compound that stores enormous amounts of energy in nature.


"Plasma-wall interaction in Hall thrusters with magnetic lens configuration," a paper by Prof. Michael Keidar (MAE) and his former Ph.D. student Lubos Brieda, was published online in the Journal of Applied Physics (Vol.111, Issue 12) on June 21.

Profs. Tom Mazzuchi and Shahram Sarkani (both of EMSE) recently published the following articles with their students, Tim Blackburn, Keith Quarles, and Edwin McDermott: 1) T. D. Blackburn, T. A. Mazzuchi and S. Sarkani, "Using a TRIZ Framework for Systems Engineering Trade Studies," Systems Engineering, Vol. 15, No 3, 2012, pp. 355-367; 2) K. Quarles, T. A. Mazzuchi, S. Sarkani, and T. J. Eveleigh, "Applying Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance for dynamic emergency management and a new perspective for US Department of Defense Architecture Framework," Australian Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2012, pp. 47-53; and 3) E. Mc Dermott, S. Sarkani, and T. Mazzuchi, "A case study of successful test and evaluation in a systems of systems environment, the Air Force modelling and simulation training toolkit," Systems Research Forum, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2011, pp. 143-162. [Note: This paper has just appeared in print]. Tim Eveleigh, a co-author of the second paper, is currently a part-time EMSE faculty member.

Prof. Suresh Subramaniam (ECE) co-authored the following journal paper: "Cross-layer approaches for planning and operating impairment-aware optical networks," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 100, No. 5, pp. 1118-1129, May 2012.

Prof. Tim Wood (CS) published a paper titled "Modellus: Automated modeling of complex internet data center applications" in the ACM Transactions on the Web journal, June 2012.

Conferences and Presentations:

Prof. Michael Clarkson (CS) gave a keynote address titled "Mathematical Foundations for Computer Security Policies" at the 28th Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics in Bath, UK on June 7.

Prof. Evan Drumwright (CS) gave an invited talk as chair of the session on manipulation at the 13th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER), held June 17-21, in Quebec, Canada. ISER is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of robotics and is held only once every two years. At the same conference, Roxana Leontie, a Ph. D. student in computer science, presented her paper, "Load Equalization on a Two-Armed Robot via Proprioceptive Sensing." The paper was co-authored by Prof. Drumwright and Prof. Rahul Simha.

Prof. Shelly Heller (CS) and her colleague C. Mavriplis led the panel "Academic Dual Career Situations in the Sciences and Engineering" at the 2012 International Dual-Career Network Conference Beyond the Trailing Spouse: The Future of Dual-Career Support in the Academy, held June 4-5 in Worcester, MA. She also presented the poster: R. S. Heller, C. Mavriplis, P. Sabila, "PAY It FORWARD: National Model Workshops for Mentoring Women in STEM," JAM Meeting.

Prof. Kausik Sarkar (MAE) recently gave two invited talks: 1) "Dynamics of contrast microbubbles for ultrasound imaging and drug delivery," presented at the 2012 Leading Edge in Diagnostic Ultrasound Conference in Atlantic City, NJ on May 8; and 2) "Modeling Subharmonic response from contrast microbubbles for imaging and noninvasive pressure estimation," presented on May 15 at the Acoustical Society of America's 2012 Hong Kong Acoustics meeting.

Prof. Hoeteck Wee (CS) has been traveling for most of the last two months. In April, he traveled to Cambridge, UK to present "Dual Projective Hashing and its Applications - Lossy Trapdoor Functions and More" at Eurocrypt (one of the top two crypto conferences). In May, he traveled to Darmstadt, Germany to present "Public Key Encryption against Related Key Attacks," "Functional Encryption for Threshold Functions (or, Fuzzy IBE) from Lattices," and "Efficient Password Authenticated Key Exchange via Oblivious Transfer" at the Public Key Cryptography Conference. In June, he traveled to Aarhus, Denmark as an invited speaker at the workshop on "Theory and Practice of Multiparty Computation," where he presented "Functional Encryption with Bounded Collusions via Multi-Party Computation" (to appear at the Crypto conference this August). These papers cover joint work with Shweta Agrawal (UCLA), Xavier Boyen (Parc), Ran Canetti (BU), Dana Dachman-Soled (MSR), Sergey Gorbunov (University of Toronto), Vinod Vaikuntanathan (University of Toronto,) and Panagiotis Voulgaris (Google).

Prof. Tim Wood (CS) attended the Usenix Annual Technical Conference and HotCloud Workshop in Boston, MA, held June 12-15. His co-authors from UMass Amherst presented two papers, "An Empirical Study of Memory Sharing in Virtual Machines," and "Seagull: Intelligent Cloud Bursting for Enterprise Applications." Prof. Wood and his doctoral student Jinho Hwang also had a poster, titled "Mortar: Filling the Gaps in Data Center Memory," at the conference.

Other News:

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