July 12-25, 2010


July 12, 2010

Faculty News

Media Mentions:

Prof. Branimir Vojcic (ECE) was quoted in a July 10 Wall Street Journal article, “Hidden Formulas Send Mixed Signals on Cellphones.”


Prof. James Lee (MAE) and his graduate students have published the following journal articles.

  1. James Chen and James D. Lee, "Atomistic analysis of nano/micro biosensors", Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 3(2), 111-121, 2010
  2. James Chen and James D. Lee, "Atomistic formulation of Nano-piezoelectrics of Barium Titanate", Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 2, 1-4, 2010
  3. Xanqiao Wang and James D. Lee, "Nano-piezoelectricity in BaTiO3: an atomistic/continuum simulation", Advanced Science Letters, 3, 1-6, 2010
  4. Xianqiao Wang and James D. Lee, "Concurrent atomistic/continuum simulation of thermo-mechanical coupling phenomena", Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 1553 (1), 1-21, 2010

Conferences, Workshops, & Presentations:

Prof. Ed Della Torre (ECE) was the featured speaker in the workshop on "Frontiers in Magnetism," held June 17-18, at the University of Messina (Italy) and sponsored by the Italian Chapter of the IEEE Magnetics Society.

Prof. Howard Eisner (EMSE) presented his paper "Innovation in Engineering Design and Education" at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2010 Annual Conference and Exposition in Louisville, KY, June 20-23. This was the 117th Annual Conference for the ASEE.

Prof. Tarek El-Ghazawi (ECE) served as general chair for the 10th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom2010) and the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2010).  The conferences were held jointly in Bradford, UK, June 29 – July 1, and attracted approximately 500 participants.  The conference received 695 research paper submissions and only 20% of the total submissions were accepted.  Prof. El-Ghazawi was presented with an outstanding service award by the steering committees chairs. 

Prof. James Lee (MAE) was invited to present the keynote lecture, “Sensitivity of Interatomic Potentials in Multiscale Modeling of Fracture,” with his doctoral student, James Chen, at the 12th International Congress on Mesomechanics in Taipei, Taiwan, June 21-25. Prof. Lee also served as a member of the International Scientific Committee and organized a special session, “Nano/Micro Mechanics and Materials – Dedicated to Professor A.C. Eringen.”  Prof. Lee’s speech was chosen as “the most enlightening keynote lecture” by the Congress chair, Prof. George C. Sih.  Prof. Lee and his doctoral students, Xianqiao Wang and James Chen, also presented “An overview of micromorphic theory” at the Congress.

Prof. Greg Shaw (EMSE) and Prof. Emeritus John Harrald (EMSE) visited the Netherlands during the week of June 21 to participate in a series of workshops focused on identifying and proposing areas of collaborative sponsored research supporting the Netherlands US Water Crisis Network (NUWCReN).  NUWCReN members currently include the GW Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management; Virginia Tech Center for Technology, Security and Policy; University of Delaware Disaster Research Center; University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center; Wageningen University, NL Department of Disaster Studies; and the three Dutch think tanks: COT, TNO and Deltares.  Funding to support the network’s collaboration and proposal development efforts is provided by the Netherlands government through mid-2012.


Prof. Julie Ryan (EMSE) was recently appointed to a second term as a member of the National Academies’ Standing Committee for Technology Insight-Gauge Evaluate and Review (TIGER).  The TIGER Committee "was established at the request of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to conduct discussions of trends in science and technology of interest to the DIA and the Intelligence Community in general, with an emphasis on technological breakthroughs that could affect U.S. warfighting capabilities. The committee convenes four times annually to identify new challenges in the field of science and technology forecasting, research, and development; develop pertinent investigation strategies; and formulate statements of task for prospective studies. More information on the Committee, including the membership roster, can be found at http://sites.nationalacademies.org/DEPS/DEPS_041424. 

Student News

James Chen (MAE) and his adviser, Prof. James Lee, presented “Dynamic characteristics of nano/micro biosensors” at the 12th International Congress on Mesomechanics in Taipei, Taiwan, June 21-25.


Looking for a place to publish or present interesting work in information security or information warfare?  Consider submitting your work to the 6th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security.  It will be held at GW in March 2011, which makes it a pretty convenient venue!  You can find out much more information about the conference at: http://www.academic-conferences.org/iciw/iciw2011/iciw11-home.htm